WITH a 30-year long friendship and the same wish for the sustainable development of the whole jewellery industry, Evert deGraeve who is the owner and designer of EDG Collection Design Studio from New York, and Norman Siu who is an independent jewellery design and management consultant and strategist from Hong Kong, link the Eastern and Western jewellery world together in building a transparent, professional and educational platform specialised for jewellery executives who are working in design, branding, merchandise planning, marketing and management, and who want to transform themselves into globally recognised and respected jewellery professionals. This platform is called International Association of Jewellery Merchandize Planning Professionals Limited (IAJMPP) and was launched officially on 21 September 2015 in Hong Kong.

Aiming to create a strong notion of professionalism for practitioners, executives and organisations working together to share knowledge, expertise, resources, and support one another’s work, IAJMPP’s main mission is to support growth and continued development of the professional discipline of jewellery executives, and provide them with registration of professional titles and recognised status under the association’s Professional Title Registration (PTR) system.

A Thoughtful Consideration of Policy & Platform

Exploring New Models of Jewellery Business
